Daughter of Cronus and Rhea
Goddess of agriculture, harvest, and wealth
Persephone was her daughter
Roman name was Ceres
Son of Zeus and a mortal mother
Technically a demigod, but was raised by the Gods and thus became more God than man
Brought grapes to society
Growing grapes meant the Greek civilization had become more advanced because growing grapes and producing wine is a difficult process
The God of wine, modernity, insanity, and fun
He was the last God to be accepted by the Greeks
The Greeks made it illegal to create new Gods after him
Roman name was Bacchus
The Story of Persephone
One day Persephone was out walking with her friends
She spotted the most beutiful flower she has ever seen and went to pick it
However, the flower kept moving away from her as she approached it
She was soon seperated from her friends
When she picked the flower, a hole opened beneath her and she was suddenly grabbed by Hades
Demeter, her mother, became curious and worried about the whereabouts of Persephone
She searched everywhere in Greece in a human form, asking everyone if they had any information on Persephone
Demeter went to a village named Eleusis and sat near a well
Three girls came to the well to get water and allowed Demeter to braid their hair
The queen later asked the girls who braided their hair so beautifully because she wanted hers done too
The queen was impressed with Demeter and says she can stay in Eleusis and take care of her son
They boy grew strong under Demeter's care, but then the queen became suspicious that things were going too well
The queen spied on Demeter and saw her lay her son in the flames of the fire
The queen immediatley stops Demeter who claims that she was attempting to make the boy immortal
Demeter says that she cannot make the boy immortal now that she was interrupted, but will still give the boy her blessing if the queen builds a temple in Eleusis for Persephone
Demeter was hoping that Persephone would come to the new temple in honor of her, but she still did not return
Demeter falls into a deep depression and all the crops in the world begin to die, creating a massive famine
Zeus puts Hermes in charge of investigating the problem
Hermes travels to Helios (the sun Titan) and asks if he has seen anything suspicious
Helios says he saw Hades snatch Persephone
Hermes travels to the underworld and finds Persephone sitting on a throne next to Hades
Hades claims that he loves her and does not want to let her leave
Hermes says that what he is doing is immoral and that a famine is occuring on earth becase of Demeter's depression
Hermes convinces Hades to release Persephone, but only if he can speak with her privately first
Hades talks to Persephone, tells her he loves her, and gives her a pomegranate
Hades leaves and she starts to eat the seeds of the pomegranate
Hermes tells her that since she ate food in the underworld, she cannot leave
She ate three seeds, so Hermes says that for three months out of every year, she must return to the underworld to be with Hades
This is why we have three months of winter
Persephone goes back to Demeter and everything on earth starts to grow again
Persephone with Hades and Cerberus