Brothers were Poseidon and Hades
King of the Greek Gods, God of the sky, the raingod, and the cloud-gatherer
More powerful than all of the other Gods
Fell in love with numerous women and tried to keep his infidelity from his wife, Hera
Roman name was Jupiter
God of the sea
Brother of Zeus and Hades and second most powerful God
Very important to the Greeks because they were located on the Mediteranean Sea and relied on the sea for things such as trade
Honored for giving the first horse to mankind
Controlled the storms and callmness of the sea
Famous for carrying his three-pronged trident
Roman name was Neptune
Brothers were Poseidon and Zeus
God of the underworld and ruled over the dead
God of wealth because he controlled the precious materials such as gold and diamonds that are found underground
Rarely left the underworld, which was for the best because he was not well liked on Mount Olympus
His wife was Persepone, daughter of Demeter, whom he made queen of the underworld after kidnapping her
Roman name was Pluto
The sister and wife of Zeus
Queen of the Gods
Goddess of the protection of marriage and especially cared for married women
Goddess of honor and respected and sometimes assisted some of the heroes on their quests
Punished every women that slept with Zeus
Roman name was Juno
Daughter of Zeus alone and was said to have emerged from his head
Goddess of the city, the protector of civilized life, and of handicrafts
Zeus's favorite daughter and he trusted her to help him in battle
An expert warfare strategist who created plans to inflict the least amount of casualties as apposed to Ares who enjoyed killing
Athens was her city and it was named in honor of her
Roman name was Minerva
Son of Leto and Zeus
God of light and universal truth
Constantly mentioned in Greek poetry because of his many talents
Known as the muscian who plays for the Gods on Mount Olympus, the God of the silver bow, the God of archery, and the God of healing
His oracle at Delphi was the most highly regarded oracle because she would only speak the truth since he is the God of truth
Roman name is also Apollo
Son of Maia, a daughter of the Titan Atlas, and Zeus
Wore winged sandals, carried a magic wand, and wore a hat with wings attached
The messenger of Zeus, the master thief, and the God of commerce and the market who protects traders
Roman name is Mercury
Goddess of beauty and love who turned every mans head
Daughter of Dione and Zeus or mysteriously born from the sea
Thought to bring joy and life to the people around her
Could be deceiving and be used as a destructive weapon over men
Married to Hephaestus
Roman name was Venus
Daughter of Leto and Zeus and the twin sister of Apollo
Head huntsman of the Gods and the Goddess of wild things
Associated with the moon
Later known as Hectate, who had three forms (one in the sky, one on earth, and one underground)
Animals, especially deer, were sacred to her
Roman name was Diana
Either the son of Hera and Zeus, or born solely from Hera in retaliation to Zeus's affair that caused the birth of Athena
Known as the ugly and lame God
Highly honored in Mount Olympus as the workman of the immortals who creates their weapons, armour, and houses
Associated with peace, the life of the city, handicrafts, and art
Roman name was Vulcan
Son of Hera and Zeus and hated by his parents
God of war and violence
Not liked by the Greeks because they did not appreciate the destruction and death he represented
Not featured prominently in mythology and simply existed to represent war
Roman name was Mars
Sister of Zeus
Goddess of the hearth which was the symbol of the home and gathering location in anceint times
Every city in Greece had a hearth for Hestia in which an eternal flame existed and was tended to by the Vestal Virgins
Roman name was Vesta